“The play is called “Helen.,” as in Helen of Troy, but her twin sister, Klaitemestra (Grace Bernardo), is the one who steals the show…”

“The arc of [Klaitemesta and Agamemnon’s] coupledom — sexual pyrotechnics, cooling affection, grisly end — is the clearest, most affecting element of Violeta Picayo’s production…”

Helen., La Mama

New York Magazine: Vulture

“Helen’s sisters, Timandra and Klaitemestra (a compellingly self-possessed Grace Bernardo)…”

Helen., La Mama


“There are some strong moments, such as when Klaitemestra’s daughter is sacrificed by Agamemnon and Menelaus; Bernardo does an excellent job showing the loss of a child.”

Helen., La Mama

WBUR Boston’s NPR News Station

“Part of the reason Bedlam is able to pull off its spare, rambunctious approach to the classics is that, as director, Tucker is a master of folding the philosophic and emotion innards of a piece into all the horsing around…His actors have honed their performances — and have drunk enough Red Bull — to pull it off. In particular here, Grace Bernardo is deliciously blunt as Higgins’ prim but bullying housekeeper, Mrs. Pearce…”

BEDLAM’s Pygmalion, Central Square Theater

Boston Globe

Grace Bernardo brings plenty of withering starch to Mrs. Pearce, Higgins’s housekeeper, and is also quite funny as Freddy’s sister and a parlor maid.”

BEDLAM’s Pygmalion, Central Square Theater

The Theatre Times

“Additionally, the design and staging draw greater attention to the actors, who are each very special. It is an ensemble cast…and Grace Bernardo plays, among many others, a delightfully irritable Mrs. Pearce, Higgins’ housekeeper.”

BEDLAM’s Pygmalion, Central Square Theater